Recently, I read about distorted perspectives and how it starts by desiring what someone else has. Let me give you an example. You could look at what someone has or what they are doing, then say, ‘That’s nice. Oh, I would like that.’ Then it turns into, ‘Why is this happening for them? I work hard too.’ It ends at, ‘I deserve this. I’m going to show everyone.’

As quickly as those thoughts occur, distorted perspectives creep in and start to influence everything you see, say, think, feel, and do. It makes you jealous, envious, bitter, and sometimes even a liar. 

Distorted perspectives can manifest when you are right and when you are wrong. They push you to be oversensitive magnifying life’s injustices a thousand times over. Distorted perspectives can even make you see things that don’t exist. 

Whatever the origin of the distorted perspective, you have the choice to take on the responsibility of your healing and decide that you won’t allow it to kill your vibe.

As mentioned, distorted perspectives receive power through coveting or wanting what someone else has. In our copycat culture, coveting is kind of socially acceptable. But, for us, coveting will forever be the basis for all types of corruption and something that we don’t condone. 


Coveting is not to be confused with wanting nicer things in life. It’s okay to want nice things – you should. But go after it, for you, and not to feel validated or to be like anyone else. Don’t pursue things to show your worth to people, or to prove your ability to someone who doesn’t have hiring power. You don’t have to be anything other than yourself and, don’t waste your energy proving you are better than someone else. It’s not worth it. If you chase the allure of being better than someone else, you will be haunted and hunted down by someone else trying to be better than you. What I’m saying is this, records are meant to break, and there will always be someone chasing your record. So, pursue your own for yourself, not anyone else. Compete against who you were yesterday and who you want to be tomorrow, not another person.

In an ideal world, this would be easy to do. In our society, however, not so much. Celebrities and influencers fall prey to the allure of it all. So, this is how we suggest you stay sober. 


When you feel envy (or bitterness) about what someone else is doing (including the ex that treated you like trash but is living on top of the world now), read Psalm 73. 

When you want to prove yourself and be first at something, because you’re tired of being overlooked at work, read Psalm 73. 

When you see your friend living their best life, and you’re not there yet, read 73. 

Read Psalm 73 whenever you feel the least bit envious of someone else, which may sound like you questioning if they deserve what they appear to have. Then spend some quality time with God and let His truth penetrate your opinions. 

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Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash


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