Okay, I’m Reloaded: Refocus + Remember Why You Started

It’s time to refocus and remember why you started.
The adversity you face doesn’t mean you need to quit. It means you need to shift directions.


Shift your direction, not your decision.
When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there. – Zig Ziglar
Remember why you started.

When’s the last time you thought about the reason you started? Do you even remember why? When’s the last time you felt the passion that stirred you to first believe? Do you still feel it? Can you still see your end result?

Good. With your mission in mind, it’s time to refocus + revisit your purpose.

Periodically, everyone should refocus + revisit purpose.

Doing this helps you to stay true to your mission and values. It also helps get you back on track when you’ve compromised them. Truthfully, you can’t see if or how much you’ve compromised your vision until you stop, refocus and remember why you started.

God wants to refresh you with divine order.

God is really concerned about your life. God is super committed to your success. God wants to be involved with you fully. Jesus, God’s son and the Champion of Heaven is even praying for your success (Romans 8:34). And the Holy Spirit is anxious to share God’s secrets with you to help you live your best life (1 Corinthians 2:9-11).

Don’t compromise your best life for anything.

The Illusion of time. You may think, you don’t have enough time to stop and strategize with God, but you do. And honestly, if you don’t stop to reflect and refocus now, you will waste time later.

What am I saying? Is God going to rewind time for you, literally give you a do-over, and let you relive the past??? No. But what I am saying is that God will redeem mismanaged moments, mishandled time, and loss resources. How? By making your present and future brighter than anything from your past.

Think about this. Would you rather take a road trip without a map or would you rather travel using Siri? Siri can map your location, project your path, identify approaching detours, see traffic in advance, and reroute you as necessary. My point? Stopping for a moment to refocus + revisit your purpose with God is worth it. The first reason why is: (1) God has all the answers, the second reason is (2) walking in God’s wisdom redeems any lost time, and the third reason is (3) the peace God gives you is out of this world.

The Deception of Comfort. Comfort can be overrated and deceptive because comfort often disguises complacency. And complacency eventually causes you to stagnate. When you become stagnant, you don’t evolve or grow.

Life is a continual cycle of evolution and growth. Avoiding it is like swimming upstream – why flow in the opposite direction of the opportunity that helps you reach your goals? If you avoid the opportunity found in discomfort eventually you will find yourself displaced. And if you’ve ever been displaced before, you know what trouble that brings. Displacement leaves you misaligned with your vision and your destiny, ultimately scrambling to find your way back to your path of greatness.

God stays ready. Do you?

God is always ready to release divine order in your life. His divine order can take your decisions to the next level. So take your purpose and the trouble you’ve faced to God because His divine order is ready to help refocus you.

If you do believe this: (1) renew your partnership with God, (2) rededicate your destiny to Him, and (3) watch Him refocus you.

Prayer to Refocus:

Father, first I thank You for your willingness to be so involved in my daily life. Thank You for taking an interest in me. Your greatness exceeds that of anything I can imagine but it doesn’t stop you from humbly wanting to come close to me.

Father, you take pride in seeing me become what you created me to be. Help me to realize how committed You are to my success. How much You care about my daily affairs, and how deeply You desire always to be involved in them.

Father, I recommit all of my desires to you. Refocus my heart, my mind, and my strength to align with your heart, your mind, and your intent. Realign my vision and values. Do not allow anything to shift my focus. Allow me to remain faithful to my decision. Thank you! #InJesusName


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