I was and I am worth fighting for…
Is this a statement you believe? Is it something you would do for you? Fight. Fight to discover the amazing person you are created to be? Fight. Fight to realize your true self or do lies keep you back?
I am not talking about another person fighting to keep you. No, I’m talking about you choosing to fight against what is holding you back.
What is holding you back?
You’re being told it’s too late, right? It’s not. There is no time limit on discovering you. There is no date set.
So will you do it? Will you fight for you? Will you allow your old self to die and a new you, the one you were truly created to be to be reborn?
It’s hard facing the layers of hurt we hide. It’s hard not really wanting to face what hurt you – the rejection, the pain. You may think, it’s not fair. Fighting for me sounds so strange, why would I fight for me? But you, my friend, are valuable, worthy and so incredibly worth fighting for.
Transformation is something that truly does happen when you know that you are worth it.
Your true self is a treasure worth finding, but it’s up to you to go after it.
You see we humans, cannot fully grasp the concept of change, transformation, and discovery. But Jesus understands it more than anyone else. He wants to show you. But will you reach back and trust his process and not yours?
So the question is, are you worth fighting for? Will you trust Him? He won’t leave you. His love, so pure, comes with no strings attached. Jesus just wants you to see you as He sees you.
You cannot do anything that will make Him love you less. He simply loves you and wants you to take off the masks you wear for others. Jesus sees the real you, the raw you and loves that person.
The question is, do you? Do you love the person that looks back at you in the mirror? Do you know him/her? Do you know, there is someone so excited to meet you that they cannot wait for you to find them. That person is you – the authentic you, the undiscovered you.
Self-discovery is a process
You may not see the change overnight, but I can tell you this, you are worth fighting for. I know this because I fought for me and I fight daily to see myself how Jesus sees me.
It’s been a four-year process, and my journey is far from over, but the gift of being able to walk and have intimacy with Jesus is the greatest. He rescued me and my life has never been the same. Actually, it just keeps getting better!!!
His love is of the greatest stories ever told. It’s the story of how He came to rescue us!!! Trust Jesus and trust the process (His journey with you). And know you’re so worth fighting for…
Emily Smith Bruursema is a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer, a creative, a pioneer, a makeup artist, a business owner, an encourager, and in her own words, most importantly, a child of God.
Facebook: Emily Smith Bruursema
Instagram: BeYouniqueWithMiMi
Website: Beauty-from-ashes.org | BeYouniqueWithMiMi.com
Email: beautyforashes092@gmail.com
Featured Photo by Melissa Chabot on Unsplash
Evangelinerudolph · at
So on time
LaTiffany · at
This blog is helping me. Thank You.
the smoking prophet · at
*smiles* First, thank you for taking the time to comment, it really means a lot. Secondly, I believe people win when we help each other and my blog is here just for that!!!
the smoking prophet · at
Grace + Peace family!!! Thank you for sharing and may you continuously encounter the fullness of your worth!
Colleen Crowell · at
Love this blog, so inspiring and encouraging for me. 💖