Why Endings Aren’t the End
Let’s get one thing straight.
👏🏽 Endings aren’t the end.
🏁 Endings aren’t the finish line.
🚪 Endings are the doorway to your next chapter.
Think of the period at the end of this sentence . . .
Sure, it signals a pause.
But it also creates space where something new begins. ✨
☝🏽 Endings do that too!
Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NLT) puts it this way:
Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.
This Bible verse reminds me that life has endings—and that can be a good thing. Because every ending carries the spark of a fresh start.
Realign, Reimagine, & Rewrite
When I started The Smoking Prophet, my goal was simple:
Ignite people into their purpose and callings.
Along the way, I noticed a fierce gap . . .
Faith-based creators and ministries struggled to shine their light on social media—the very tool that could amplify their voices.
So, I pivoted. I made it my mission to teach others how to create content that builds connection and community. I poured everything I had into helping others. 💦💦 But deep down, I always knew it wasn’t my forever.
Now, it’s my time to turn the page and step into something new.
Not just for me—maybe it’s time for you to turn a page too. 🥹✨
Realigning with Purpose
In my corporate job, we repeated the same trainings year after year. At first, I saw them as just another task. But I quickly realized their purpose—to realign employees with company values and regulations. Life works the same way. If you don’t stop to check your course, you might find yourself going the wrong way or crashing out.
@lolacabaya 🙏🏽 A prayer to unblock blessings and unlock opportunities. #thesmokingprophet #propheticpodcast #listenableaffirmations #propheticaffirmation #upliftingthoughts #thingsiwishiknewyesterday #propheticaffirmation #powerfulprayers ♬ original sound – Lola Cabaya
Here’s a question . . .
When’s the last time you paused to ask, ‘Am I still on the right path?’
My point? Realignment isn’t optional.
It keeps you moving into progress, not into a brick wall. 🚧🧱💥
The Power of Release and Renewal
Life is full of cycles and seasons. Some are bright and buzzing, bursting with new beginnings or what seems like nonstop work. 🌱
Others feel like heaven is open, with blessings pouring down on every side. 🌈🍯⛅
🤐 Then, there are the quiet seasons.
But even in that silence, the season whispers, release, let go, and make space.
Let me explain it this way . . .
🍃🍃 In fall, many trees shed their leaves. Are they dying?
No. They’re making space for fresh growth.
This is a natural cycle of release and renewal.
And just like trees, we (people) need to let go to grow.
Letting go creates space for new beginnings, fresh starts, and unlocking untapped potential.
Here’s a word: Letting go makes room.
Imagine welcoming that cycle of release and renewal into your life.
Up next, we’ll talk about knowing when it’s time for something to end.

Signs It’s Time to Let Go
These signs are guideposts, helping you know when it’s time to release and make room for renewal.
➡️You feel drained instead of energized.
➡️You feel like progress is forced or paused.
➡️You sense closure or a pull toward something new.
➡️Your interests shift to new areas.
➡️You start grieving, even before you know you need to let go.
Listening to Frustration
But that’s not all . . . frustration speaks.
Are you listening to frustration? Because that frustration might be telling you it’s time for something to end.
Pause for a moment, reflect, and ask yourself:
Could this frustration be pointing toward an ending, a new beginning—or both?
5 Steps to End Well and Move Forward
Stepping into a new chapter doesn’t mean ghosting your old one—or doing something messy. It doesn’t mean forgetting an old chapter or acting like it didn’t exist either.
So, here’s 5 steps to end well and move forward.
1️⃣ Reflect: Take inventory of what feels life-giving versus life-draining.
2️⃣ Walk in Wisdom: Talk to trusted people for insight.
3️⃣ Take Action: Decide what needs to end and step into what’s next.
4️⃣ Release Gracefully: Let go of what was and hope for what’s ahead.
5️⃣ Prepare for Fresh Starts: Appreciate the now but keep your eyes open for what’s next.
Remember, stepping into a new chapter doesn’t mean ghosting the old one. That means wrap things up with care and respect.
Who knows? You might spin the block and circle back someday.
Waiting for A Bigger Sign
🗣️📣 Sometimes, we wait for a big sign to scream MOVE FORWARD. But the truth is God might not always send one. God might step back, let you make the call, and trust you to move forward.
When I was a child, I needed lots of guidance and advice to make my decisions. Then came a moment that changed everything. I asked my grandfather to come with me somewhere, and he said, ‘You have to do this on your own.’ *Cue the tears* It felt like I went from child to young adult in a snap. But I did it. I made it through on my own.
Looking back, that moment taught me something life-changing:
God trusts me to grow when I trust myself enough to choose to move forward. Will you trust yourself enough to move forward?

Endings Aren’t Sour Forever: Here’s What’s Sweet
Take a moment to pause and reflect on what you can reimagine, realign, and rewrite in the next 365 days.
(Don’t forget to jot down your thoughts!)
Ready to start? Use the prompts below as your guide . . .
🤝 Professionals:
Is there a project or role no longer helping you grow?
✍️ Creators:
Are you making content that no longer aligns with your calling?
🎓 Students:
Are you chasing a path just to follow your friends or the crowd?
🏡 Families:
Are routines or commitments draining your ability to connect with your family?
An Invitation to Realign
Wherever you are, this might be your sign to let go and make space for what’s next. Whether you’re shedding something God said let go, stepping into the unknown, or waiting for the next season to bloom—remember:
You’re NOT stuck. You’re in motion.
You’re NOT complacent. You’re building.
You’re NOT a loser. You’re a leader.
SO, step up. 🪜 Discover your calling. And lead well!
Endings don’t define you—they refine you. They open doors, create space for fresh starts, and pave the way for bold new steps. By reading the signs, embracing release and renewal, and taking bold steps, you can step into your next chapter with confidence.
Take this as your invitation to realign with your calling and rewrite your tomorrow. ✌🏼✌🏼
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👋🏽 Hi, I’m LOLA ⸻ the creator of offbeat life advice brand, The Smoking Prophet, owner of a growing content agency, and cultivator of life (family first)!
Most days, you can find me at my desk, in my garden, or on the go. My super-social family keeps me on my toes!
Follow The Smoking Prophet to ignite your creativity, grow spiritually, and blaze your own trail online!