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Transition always brings a certain level of discomfort, uncertainty, and tension. Transitions include elements present in an overhaul and during life’s major overhauls, few things are settled, but one thing is for sure…
As you transition – develop, evolve, and grow – knowing who you are is ever so important, because, in these times, your God-given identity is often the only thing that’s constant.
Transitions can invoke the same feelings you may experience with a new job or a stretch role. A stretch role is a task or project that requires you to work beyond your current skill set. It doesn’t speak to what you know but pulls on what you don’t know – your potential. These assignments allow you to develop through discomfort as you take courage and venture into unknown.
For me, a new role immediately indicates three things:
- The Good News! Promotion comes to those that have proved reliable and useful! Your performance peaked in your former role and because of this you’ve been able to advance.
- The Not So Good News! You are no longer number one. You mastered the previous position, and now to progress, you are required to learn a new skill set, which means starting over.
- The Silver Lining. You can either grow or stall. If you choose to move forward, accepting the challenge and enduring the discomfort you will experience growth at new levels. Not only for yourself, but your decision to say yes can significantly influence others too.
For those that feel off kilter.
You are shifting. You haven’t lost who you are, and you’re not losing who you are. Granted there are some dead works [unproductive activities] falling away and you’re being pushed to new extremes, undeniably it’s all worth it.
Complacency kills. As mentioned earlier, when transitioning to something new, you can choose to grow or stall. Always choose to grow. If you choose to quit or go back to what’s easy, you will kill the opportunities that are before you and forfeit your fullest potential. This is the type of potential that is only made visible when challenged with something new.
The King James Version of the above-referenced scripture says the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. The word prosperity is shalvah in Hebrew, it means quietness, ease, and prosperity. Those that prefer ease in every circumstance, limited discomfort, freedom from difficulties and effort, among other things, will be destroyed by it. How so? Because it limits you.
In life, growth is not an option. It is needed for you to not only survive but to thrive.
Allow the dead things in your life to die, because they have no ability to produce anything but death and decay the life that’s at work in you. Leave it behind and don’t look back!
Press into the Father’s bosom for your confidence, because as a believer in Jesus Christ, you have died (spiritually) and your true self (identity) is hidden in Him. He will affirm who you are and most importantly who you are to Him! It’s not about what others are doing or what’s going on around you. Your validation will NEVER be found in these things or “things” for that matter, so stop looking there.
You [your identity] is in Him. Find God and Find You!
On March 7th, 2017, I heard “How can we sing in a strange land or have joy in a place we do not know?” This statement is an expression of how you may feel in times of transition and it’s okay because it’s completely natural to lose your comfort or tranquility with the unfamiliar. Israel too experienced this as they were in transition (Psalm 137:4). Acknowledge the feeling, but realize you have been given a peace and joy that’s out of this world (John 14:27, John 15:11), allow it to comfort you!
So, God’s response to your feeling is “I am your song!”
Say bye to the old and hi to the new!
I love the Bible’s wisdom books and Ecclesiastes is one of my favs. The first portion of Ecclesiastes 7:8 is where I’ll direct my focus. It has multiple meanings, one is an admonition to finish what you start, but the other is to be optimistic when things end. There are so many new possibilities that await you, so much that if you think about them you shouldn’t have time to be upset, angry, or bitter over what you think you’re losing.
Remember, it’s all about Him, and we are all experiencing growth pains whether we make it evident or not. Sing to Him! Delight in Him! He is Yours and You are His! Take refuge in Your God, who is your constant comfort and your steady confidence!
And remember, God is committed to making your future beautiful.
Lord, I thank You that I’m not crazy, I’m just in transition! Father, give me strategies for expansion with rest included. As things are changing, allow me to take comfort in Your consistency and grant me the ability to accept activities that will stretch me, knowing that the stretching is maturing me and allowing me access to great things! Teach me to be still and to experience Your goodness. (Psalm 46:10)
In Jesus Name, Amen!
Jamila · at
Powerful and timely for where we are now in our ministry. Wow!
Lakia Pearson · at
Thank you for this encouraging prophetic word and beautiful prayer. Thank you Lord that I’m not crazy, I’m just in transition!
Tasha · at
This has given me life today!!! I was just crying out to the Lord this morning about all of this. He said to me that I have to constantly find my identity in him. This is so awesome right now because sometimes I just feel like UGH!! Here we go again, it was just one of those times…I am definitely in one of those time that I am growing and the last chapter is over. In my quiet time I was asking God for some scriptures and I didn’t get any, so I was a little bummed but I kept hearing I always have an answer and then I get to work and open my email. Thanks so much for writing this today!! God Bless!!
Olivia Ministries · at
Transition is never easy, thanks for sharing Sis.