I don’t know what this year will bring, but I’m starting it on my
💦 drink water,
📖 read my Bible, and
😗♪ mind my business kick!
Today, as I opened my Bible to Psalm 9, something clicked. I thought about how easy it is to forget God in the busyness of life—to live as though we’re the ones holding everything together.
But Psalm 9 is a powerful reminder that God sees, hears, and upholds His people—even when things feel shaky.
That means I gotta keep God first . . .
Because when I’ve done that, He’s always been my refuge, salvation, and hope.
If you’re stepping into 2025 with questions, this one’s for you.
Today, when I read Psalm 9 it reminded me of 1️⃣ who God is and 2️⃣ why I don’t EVER need to forget that.
➡️ God is our refuge. A safe place in chaos.
➡️ God is our salvation. A deliverer and rescuer.
➡️ God is our hope. The One who never fails.
➡️ God gives us justice. He sees and rights wrongs.
But there’s a warning in this Psalm too:
I must be careful NOT to forget God. ⚠️⚠️
And it’s so easy to slip into forgetting Him when life gets busy.
This is why I’m sharing a stark contrast between remembering God versus forgetting Him:
🫥 Forgetting God looks like living life without interacting with Him—without prayer, worship, or trust.
📖 Remembering God means putting Him first in everything.
See Matthew 6:25-34 for a reminder of God’s promise to care for us when we seek Him first.
There’s a BIG BLESSING in putting God first.
Please know that God takes care of everyone (see Matthew 5:45). That means God is kind to people who acknowledge Him and God is also kind to people that reject His presence. BUT know this—there’s a special blessing for those who follow what God says and put Him first!
That said, here’s what I’m bringing before God in prayer as we step into what’s next.
🙏🏽 Pray for mercy
God, have mercy on me and my family. Be our refuge, salvation, hope, and justice in 2025.
LORD, see how my enemies persecute me! Have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death, (Psalm 9:13)
🙏🏽 Pray for the nations
God, have mercy on our nation and all nations. As wicked systems fall and fail, please cover Your people working within them, earning through them, or investing in them.
The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug;
their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.
The Lord is known by his acts of justice;
the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. (Psalm 9:15-16)
Give thought to this: Some of your investments and 401Ks may be part of this economy. Also, you may know people whose work is somehow connected and intertwined in these systems. My point? Be sensitive to others and their situations, even if you’re not directly impacted. *hugs*
🙏🏽 Pray for understanding
God, teach me Your ways. I want to know You so I can trust in You more.
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:10)
🙏🏽 Pray for the oppressed
Thank You, Lord, for hearing the cries of the oppressed and afflicted. Thank You for sensing our cries and our pain—You don’t ignore us. Thank You for upholding us and our cause.
Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. For he who avenges blood remembers; he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted. (Psalm 9:11-12)
On this first day of 2025, I’m SO glad I read Psalm 9.
Because this Psalm is a reminder of God’s faithfulness.
He sees us.
He hears us.
And He’s coming to set things right. 🙌🏽
Remember this warning:
The busier life gets, it’s easier to drift into forgetting God—but forgetting God is a like a slow burn into a dangerous thing.
The fix?
So, we’ve gotta be intentional about putting God first.
I hope this encourages you to start your year off MORE grounded in Him! ✌🏼
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👋🏽 Hi, I’m LOLA ⸻ the creator of offbeat life advice brand, The Smoking Prophet, owner of a growing content agency, and cultivator of life (family first)!
Most days, you can find me at my desk, in my garden, or on the go. My super-social family keeps me on my toes!
Follow The Smoking Prophet to ignite your creativity, grow spiritually, and blaze your own trail online!