Do you deal with anxiety at times? I do, and I hate it. It’s so random for me too. Sometimes, I’ll get it over something that’s a legit concern. Other times I get anxiety over a completely irrational fear. And the most embarrassing thing I get anxiety over is something ridiculous – like a movie that is taking too long to reveal it’s plot or villain. Did you just laugh out loud? I did. I know, it’s crazy, but I’m showing you that anxiety manifests in different ways, over things that matter and over things that don’t. 


But seriously, anxiety has kept me up at night, kept me from pursuing my dreams, held me bound to my fears, and stopped me from adulting. 

For me, even though anxiety sometimes happens with everyday matters that are genuinely something to be concerned about, at the end of the day, I can only control so much. So, rather than live an anxious life, I’ve made a conscious decision to find another way to deal with the things that I can’t control, and it’s, for sure, not through anxiety. Because when I become overwhelmed and fearful, it drives me to make poor, fear-based decisions. 

In my experience with it, I’ve found that ultimately, anxiety comes to steal your peace. And that whatever disrupts your peace controls your life. 


Although anxiety is something I routinely, and at random, fight through there are Bible verses that help me calm down when I am freaking out. Twenty-five scriptures, in particular, have helped me fight anxiety so well that I feel I have to share them with you.

So, here is it – my personal list of scriptures that help me find peace and overcome anxiety.

  1. I use Psalm 1 to declare how not to live and how living a life that pleases God brings success.
  2. I use Psalm 23 to remember God’s promise to lead me into a prosperous place.
  3. I use Isaiah 48:17 to remind me that God teaches me to profit.
  4. I use Romans 8:15 to remind me that I’m God’s child and not a slave to fear.
  5. I use 2 Corinthians 10:5 to regulate my thoughts and cast down unproductive imaginations.
  6. I use 2 Corinthians 4:18 to remember that tough times are temporary and to always focus on God.
  7. I use Job 38:4-7 to remind me of God’s infinite wisdom and that I wasn’t around when God laid the foundations of the earth.
  8. I use Psalm 138:8 to remind me of how faithful God is to fulfill His promises towards me.
  9. I use 2 Timothy 2:13 to remember that God is faithful even when I am not. 
  10. I use Philippians 4:6-7 to remember God’s promise to give me peace and how to find that peace.
  11. I use Isaiah 41:9-10 to remember that God will help me because He’s chosen me and doesn’t reject me.
  12. I use Isaiah 43:1 to remember that God redeems me and that I am His.
  13. I use Isaiah 43:2-3 to remind myself that God will go through great lengths to protect me.
  14. I use Hebrews 6:10 to remember that God will not forget my acts of love towards others.
  15. I use Isaiah 58:10 to remind myself that helping others will help my situation.
  16. I use Psalm 34:15 to remember that God sees me, and He hears me.
  17. I use Psalm 139:1-4 to remember that God knows everything about me. Even when my words escape me, God knows them because He knows my thoughts.
  18. I use Exodus 14:14 to remember that God fights for me and will always go to war on my behalf.
  19. I use Hebrews 4:15 to remember that Jesus understands my weaknesses and any trouble I experience.
  20. I use 2 Corinthians 12:9 to remember that God’s grace is sufficient for me, and that grace matures my weaknesses.
  21. I use Isaiah 41:18-19 to remember that God will create opportunities for me when they don’t exist.
  22. I use Psalm 84:11 to remind myself that God will not withhold any good thing from me.
  23. I use Romans 5:1 to remember that faith in Christ justifies me and gives me peace with God.
  24. I use Romans 8:38 to remember that nothing can stop God’s love for me.
  25. I use Psalm 37:1-2 to remember not to fret about wicked people and to always act with integrity.


I hope you enjoyed this list of scriptures that help me find inner peace, strength, and calm when I’m anxious. Use them to help you replace the anxiety you feel with peace.

By the way, I am pro-Jesus and pro-therapy, so don’t be afraid to talk to a professional about any anxiety you feel. Talking to someone you trust is good for you because it helps your brain to work through your problems. Whether it’s irrational or not, it’s worth talking about because your feelings are important. 

One last thing, remember that peace is always there, you just have to find it. I pray that you find it, and I also pray that you dare to let the things go that continually disrupt your peace.

Lola Cabaya The Smoking Prophet Bio

Featured Photo by Hernan Sanchez on Unsplash


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