Kathryn Summers Kelley is skilled in the song of the Lord. She has been active in the Ministry of Music for almost 30 years, served on the Praise and Worship Team at Crusaders Church for 20 years, and has continued her service there as Worship Director for the past 3 years. She is an ordained prophet and has been teaching worship models from the Tabernacle of David since 1996. Prophet Kelley has traveled near and far in over 30 nations, to teach, train, and activate fellow followers of Christ in true prophetic worship.
Who better to teach on worship than one who knows and understands the heart of God?
If you’re interested in the prophetic gift God has made available to all followers of Jesus Christ, consider meeting her in St. Louis, MO August 11th-13th, alongside John Eckhardt as he continues his assignment to “Activate America.”
Enjoy her article and connect with her below!
If the Worship team in your local house is experiencing some paranormal activity you don’t need to call the Ghostbusters, you need a Shamar Prophet! Praise and Worship are vital to the local church. It is the ministry in which all believers are called to participate.
The Lord sits enthroned on our praises. He enters when we give Him glorious praise and sets up His throne of righteousness in the midst of His people. Not only is God in true praise, but He is also looking for true worshipers!
The Ministry of Praise and Worship
Oftentimes in this ministry, the enemy crawls in undetected sowing discord, vanity, pride and every work of the flesh you can imagine. Too often, leaders don’t know how to began to repair this damage and unfortunately this can result in shutting the entire praise/worship team down.
Praise and worship are often viewed as platforms to shine. In my experience as a worship director, I have seen everything and I’m not afraid of what may surprise many others! Men have made praise and worship what it is and what it will never be, which is ABOUT SELF! People will tell you God has called them to the ministry of praise and worship knowing that they have absolutely no grace for this ministry all.

“Going Out of Business” | Flickr/timetrax23 | CC BY 2.0
Churches, you cannot afford to just allow anyone to join your praise and worship team. It’s not enough that they sound ”okay,” or “she’s that sweet lady that gives good compliments.” Oh, let’s not forget how good they look on stage holding that shining mic in their hand. These methods are all wrong!!! When it comes to positioning those who are called to lead God’s people into His presence, the Church needs to be a little more like Simon Cowell of “American Idol.” We must be boldly honest. The heart wants what the heart wants and Satan still tries to use this to infiltrate our worship. If allowed, Satan will destroy your entire Church by sending you a damsel in distress. Surely this spirit will VEX, SLANDER, and SEDUCE your leaders from the purpose of God, so much so that you’ll want to poke out this demonic assailant’s third eye.

“Day Dreaming” | Flickr/The Ken Cook | CC BY 2.0
King David was a man after God’s own heart!(1) The Bible tells us that David was a skilled minstrel and a sweet psalmist.(2) He also equipped and activated other skilled psalmists and minstrels.
In the Tabernacle of David, three captains were appointed for this ministry: ASAPH, HEMAN and JEDUTHUN. Chenaniah was chosen as leader over the three captains.(3) Chenaniah was also called the director of song, but more than that he’s known as the planting of the Lord, set and made by God for praise and worship. Chenaniah carried the burden of the song of the Lord.
These types of leaders are the SEERS/PROPHETS assigned by the King to function as such, prophets. They have the ability to see and hear what is on the heart and mind of God for praise/worship. These men protected the ministry of worship and the people. David had hundreds of singers who needed order and the prophets brought order to the ministry of praise and worship.(4) These leaders were equipped with the ability to GOVERN, SUPERVISE and PRESERVE the interest of the KING !
Prophets are called to ”SHAMAR”
In “God Still Speaks” by Apostle John Eckhardt, he writes that “SHAMAR means to guard, to keep, to be a watchman.” He also mentions that it can refer to “guarding a flock , the heart, the mind, a nation, or a city from outside attack or ungodly influences.” (5)
He also states that local church is kept safe through prophetic intercession, prophetic discernment, prophetic preaching, teaching and PROPHETIC PRAISE/WORSHIP.(6) The Church is preserved this way because these ministries help stop the attacks of the enemy.
We must not be ignorant of the attacks of the enemy. Leaders, there is help for your praise and worship ministry teams. You must begin to identify and train your leaders on how to SHAMAR because God has set them in the Church to help build, equip and protect what is His heart and His mind for His people.
[1] 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22 [2] 2 Samuel 23:1 [3] 1 Chronicles 15:19-22 [4] 1 Chronicles 25:1-8 [5] Eckhardt, John. God Still Speaks. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2009. 69. Print. [6] Eckhardt, John. God Still Speaks. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2009. 68. Print.
This content was originally published 3/22/12 & reposted with permission from kathysumm.wordpress.com |
Facebook: Kathryn Summers Kelley
Soundcloud: Kathryn Summers Kelley
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