
In case you didn’t know this is interview season.

This may seem like a random statement, but it actually isn’t that anomalous measured next to what’s been resonating in my spirit for at least a month.

One evening during a conversation with a friend, I sprouted out to him, I’m going to eventually have creative teams working with me. Astonishingly he replied that on that very same day he had been thinking that very same thing.

In another instance, while out a few weekends ago, I kept hearing the word interview. I thoughtlessly snubbed what I was hearing, but God didn’t…

Eventually, the Lord began to revisit this topic with me referencing my personal expansion while divulging new areas of His destiny for my life.  Then I heard Him say, “you’re going to need some scribes.

That finally got my attention. And while sitting at my desk on Thursday, September 15th, 2016 a little before 12 noon EST, I penned His next statement: “this is interview season.”

As God is expanding and enlarging us, naturally help is needed to complement the growth.

So where does this lead us, other than to be interview ready, but also to be watchful for partnerships opportunities, collaborations, and potentially employing others to help you fulfill your mission?

Immediately three prerequisites for the eligible applicants and/or possible sponsors came to mind: honor, purity, and humility.


It can be easy to become enamored with big names, but this can also stop you from honoring those that you’re actually accessible to. I sense that many need to stop chasing ministries, people, and platforms; instead, pray that God would allow you to see the value of where you are and in those around you. Don’t miss the ginormous opportunity that may be before you to help someone to their next level or their attempts to help you because of ministry idolatry. It’s not about being noticed, approved, or even being validated by people. It’s about being a workman approved by God (1).

If you’re chasing people, I encourage you to consider why. Jesus received validation from the God before starting His ministry work so He wouldn’t need it from people (2). Renounce rejection, fear, and the need for validation. Realize that when God called you into His family, you were accepted by Him as His child and that’s the highest form of validation there is for any of us to seek. See also The Blessing of Walking in Honor in Your Life by Joseph Mattera.


You can have a successful life and not live fulfilled. I repeat YOU CAN have a successful life and not live fulfilled. The mystery of a fulfilling and successful life is in Christ. Christ is the door. God is the plug [supplier]. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee (3). Yet in order to completely and continuously access this grace without limitation or obstruction, purity is key. Let me explain more, you have access to God simply through faith in Jesus, but if you want to go a little further and really tap into the fullness of what He desires you will walk in purity. The pure in heart will see God (4). Set your heart to be pure and only partner with those that have the same conviction. Read Purity is On the Heart of God for some basic elements of purity.

honor-honor-those-around-you-2Humility is like a springboard. A springboard is an instrument used by gymnasts and swimmers as a point of departure, but more relevantly it adds extra momentum, strength and impetus to their efforts. Humility launches us into the will of God. God works against pride, but envelopes those clothed in humility with His supernatural power (5)! Seek true humility, as you prepare to launch, dive and go into the deep.

So wherever you fall in on this spectrum, as interviewee or interviewer, hey maybe even a mix of both let honor, purity, and humility be your guide! You never know when someone is watching in wait to promote, elevate, and open up an effectual door for you!

Happy Interviewing and Partner Seeking!




[1] 2 Timothy 2:15

[2] The Baptism of JesusMatthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22 

[3] John 10:9 | Philippians 4:19 | 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Ephesians 1:14

[4] Matthew 5:8

[5] Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5



Taylur with a U · at

Love this!!!!!!!!! Honor. Purity. Humility. So powerful!

Tazetta · at

Thanks for sharing. Such a wake up call. I needed to read this, more confirmation for me. Thank you


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