Lately, I have NOT felt like myself. At all. I spoke with my grandmother (because she knows everything) — and by the end of our conversation, I had my answer. 

I realized I was exhausted with everything life was demanding of me. I was overwhelmed, overworked, and overburdened with overcommitting. Burned-out and feeling helpless. Just plain tired. 

But, I refuse to stay down. So I got up with this thought. 

Life is incredibly different right now, and it’s okay for me not to feel okay. Because not feeling okay is a signal. It’s a sign. It’s my body telling me — slow down, pull back, say no, AND adjust. 

So that’s what this message is all about. Me tackling the challenges of this season, my mistakes, and my FOUR BIG WAYS TO ADJUST to clear all the clutter from my life! 


Freedom Tip #1

Everything is not a priority — and you need to clarify your life’s call to know what is. 

As much as we want to, we CANNOT do every shiny new thing that pops up. When we try, we overextend ourselves beyond our abilities and end up overwhelmed and off course. None of this helps us keep our life on track. Instead, it spins it out of control. Putting us in places with people and on paths that matter little to our goals or ultimate destiny. So, accept that everything is not a priority by figuring out what is a priority for you.

A good way to figure out what is a priority for you is to clarify your life’s call. Clarity helps on so many levels, especially when choosing where and what to give your energy to. So, step back and get some clarity. Discover what matters to you. Decide where you want to be in one year, five years, ten years — Then align everything you do with your plan. 

Freedom Tip #2

Organize your day with a schedule – to help you know where to start, how to start, and quickly optimize what works while eliminating what doesn’t. 

Organization is one of my super strengths. I love it. When I clean up and organize stuff, it soothes me, but the first steps aren’t always so accommodating. Sometimes it’s scary to look at the work and try to figure out how to get it done because of this one thing — we don’t know where to start. And because we don’t know where to start, we don’t know how to start — organizing your day with a schedule can show you where to start and what to do next.

But that’s not it. Schedules also help you identify patterns. You’ll notice when you do something every day, it gets easier to see where the anomalies and outliers are. And this is how you optimize whatever you do to do it better. So, organize your day by making a schedule — and watch some of your challenges go away. 

Freedom Tip #3

Self-care it up. Do what you love. Take time for you. 

Moments of action and moments of play. Moments of working towards the future. Moments of rethinking the past. And moments of being present with what’s happening now all matter. Sometimes we neglect moments to be present.

So, take more time to be present for you. Do something you love with no defined goal, no established intent, and no obvious profit other than to help you appreciate your life. Because these moments can restore and refresh you the most. 

Freedom Tip #4

Never ever downplay your feelings. You’re human. 

Saying how you feel is necessary for your growth and development. So, be honest about your feelings. Not only does honesty and transparency deepen connections, but it serves as a kind reminder for you and others that you are human. 

NOW — ONE LAST THING! If you’ve overcommitted and want to take your YES BACK, try these Three Guilt-free Ways to Get Out of A Commitment and Save Your Reputation

  • OPTION 1: If possible, withdraw from the opportunity (the sooner, the better). Give reasonable notice and do not leave the person in a bad way. Also, go the extra mile by offering to assist with your transition, empathize, and let them know you do care.
  • OPTION 2: Finish the job quickly and look at it as a lesson, not a loss. I say finish the job quickly because stalling is easy when you don’t want to do something. 
  • OPTION 3: Outsource or delegate the work to someone else. I love this option because it helps you save your reputation and build new relationships for future collaborations

man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!


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