how to write your vision and mission statement

Using Your Mission + Vision Statement

Do you have a mission or a vision statement? Assuming you said yes, try this. Put it where you’ll see it first thing in the morning. Why? Because waking up seeing something that matters to you acts as a trigger, and positive triggers can cause your vision to become a reality. 

A trigger is something that initiates a response or reaction. So waking up, seeing your mission and vision can trigger something in you that wants to connect with it. Ultimately, leading you to take action and make it happen.

I remember the first vision board I made. In truth, it’s the ONLY vision board I ever made. I put it in front of my bed because I wanted to see it first thing in the AM. It had a mirror on it so I could literally always see myself in my vision. Seeing that was so powerful for me. And it can be powerful for you too.

Vision will help you see a thing before you see a thing in real life. It will help you hang on when you feel like you have nothing left. It can give you strength when you feel like you don’t have any more steam. 

Writing a Mission + Vision Statement

If you don’t have a mission or a vision statement for your brand, your biz, your non-profit, or your life, let me tell you how to write one.

So a mission and a vision statement are two different things. 

Your mission statement describes your brand’s purpose of being. It’s why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s why you exist. It’s why you’re in business. It’s like your life’s purpose – but a purpose that’s specific to your brand, biz, or non-profit. 

So why does your brand, your biz, or your non-profit exist? Whatever it is, name it and write it down. 

Okay, so next up is your vision statement.

Notes on a board
Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

Your vision statement describes the mid-term to long-term future and goals for your brand, biz, or non-profit. It’s what you want to do in the next several years or decades.

An easy way to see your vision and start writing your vision statement is this: take a visual snapshot of your future.

Questions to Ask Yourself

What impact are you making on individuals, organizations, or communities?

What services do you offer?

Do you own office space? What is it like?

What are your company’s values?

Do you have team members? How many?

How is your company evolving and growing?

Dream as big as you want to. Just be sure to write it ALL out because whatever you see belongs in your vision statement. 

Now that you have your vision and your mission statement, put them in front of you daily. 

Let them encourage, inspire, and guide you.

When something distracts you, let them refocus you.

When something tempts you to compare yourself or to compete, let it draw you back into your purpose.

When you see that something is taking you away from that mission and that vision, let it help you pull back, slow down, and say NO. I need to SNAP BACK over here to my mission and my vision.

Finding A Calling and Purpose in Your Mission + Vision Statement

Speaking of purpose, you may be thinking I’m not feeling real sure about my purpose. And if you are, guess what? What we’ve just talked about can give you clarity on your purpose too. If you’re wondering how — TAP PLAY on EPISODE #102 of The Smoking Prophet podcast.

There is SO much goodness and glory in this episode. At the end of the message, you should have more peace about your purpose, greater vision, and be more likely to see your vision manifest!

man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels


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