Desires of the Heart – Creating a Vision Board
No matter our age, race, sex, or creed ALL PEOPLE share mutual interests. No matter our backgrounds, ALL PEOPLE share common affections. These feelings transcend understanding and neglect to succumb to the divisions our minds so easily erect. ALL PEOPLE desire to be loved, respected and appreciated! ALL PEOPLE want to be successful in our respective works, live comfortably, and Read more…
Matters of the Heart
The Vision In June 2014, God awakened me from a much-needed nap with singing. Before laying down I asked for God’s rest because I was extremely fatigued. Awakening prematurely I turned over selfishly in a futile attempt to return to my slumber. I shifted from my stomach to my back, closing my Read more…
Seasons of Solitude
Photo Credit: Stuart Miles/ I set out to climb this sky high ladder with an unstoppable vigor and excitement! As I approached the top, the reality of the height I’d climbed set in and I needed help. Looking to the ground was a big mistake, I wrestled with an apparent Read more…
He Pursues Me
I read a story recently that reminded me of God’s personal quest for my heart, it caused me to feel refreshed and inundated with His love. The story is about Abraham, who at the time was known by his former name Abram, and his nephew Lot. Abram received an alarming message about Lot being Read more…