I saw this quote recently — ‘Fortune favors the bold,’ and instantly connected with it.

It made me think that if I want the BIG THINGS God has for me

I need to be courageous!

I need to be bold!

I need to be brave!

Because bravery helps to unlock the favor of fortune in anyone’s life instantly!

Bravery helps us take wise risks!

Bravery helps us explore new possibilities!

Bravery challenges us to go after what can be versus staying stuck on what is!

Bravery demands that we walk through new doors!

And that opens up fresh opportunity for you and me to build a fortune!

I believe you can sense new possibilities knocking at your door and unexpected opportunities coming your way. But maybe you don't feel confident enough to walk in them. If that's you and you don't want another blessing to slip away, you need to hear this!

One way to unlock favor in your life NOW is to be bold and brave.

I’m a big dreamer, and lately, I’ve had the same dream, over and over, in a different way.

Here’s what I mean. The scene and details of the dream changes, but the overall meaning remains the same.

In one dream, I was tying my shoe for an insanely long time, and in another, I was unusually passive on an opportunity.

😩 Now can you see that though my dreams are different, the message is the same?

Guess what it means into comments! And if you’re not into guessing games listen to The Smoking Prophet Podcast episode #68 — in it I talk about the meaning of one of the dreams.

😳 My point is this. Now, it is not the time for any of us to shrink because we’re afraid or because we lack confidence. Or because we don’t want to make a mistake. And we don’t want to be bad at something new.

It’s okay to be bad at something new.

Instead, this is a time for us BOLDLY to GO AFTER the lives we want and dream about!

It’s time for you to SHIFT — not shrink.

It’s time for you to be courageous and not cringe!

It’s time for you to be brave — it’s already in you!

So, here’s to you — taking wise risk, being bold, being brave, and building your fortune. 💜

If you made it here and didn’t listen to this message yet — do it now! Tap BEING BRAVE AND BUILDING A FORTUNE to listen NOW!

man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!



Featured Photo by Heiko from Pexels


Rosalind Brooks-Tucker · at

Wow. This is awesome. It makes you really take a long look at yourself and where you are now and where you like to go. Sheesh. Powerful.

the smoking prophet · at

I looked at your comment today and it blessed me! Thank YOU for sharing this.

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