How to Shift to Abundance — Four Actionable Steps

Let’s kick off this conversation with what abundance is.

First of all — it’s something you deserve. Ha!

No, but seriously abundance is…

✔ Plenty
✔ An over-sufficient supply
✔ More than enough
✔ An overflowing fullness
✔ Wealth of something or some things

And yes, you deserve that.

Abundance is for you because you exist.

Abundance is for you because you exist.
Did you catch that? Abundance is for you because you exist.

Yet, we see plenty of people who don’t have an abundance of one thing, much less many things. This lack of representation is demoralizing. It makes many people settle for whatever comes their way because they fear they won’t get what they want. In this case, abundance.

But not you. And if you were doing that, it ends NOW.

Because you’re about to amplify your abundance mindset and tap into the abundance you deserve! So you can unlock the possibility of MORE than enough — and unleash a domino effect of overflow and opportunity into your life!

When we think about shifting to abundance, we automatically think about what we’re getting.

Blessings. Head-turning, neck-snapping, slap yo’ mama blessings.

Okay, don’t slap your mom. Lol.

But abundance is much more than an overflow of something desirable.
Abundance is also about what you let go of…

And letting go is the secret to SHIFTING into a MIND-BLOWING, NEXT-LEVEL lifestyle of abundance.

Cut back to shift into abundance. 

Sometimes cutting back feels like a failure or that you’re settling.

Or it says you’re weak and you can’t handle life.

But it doesn’t mean that.

Cutting back doesn’t make you a failure.
Cutting back doesn’t make you weak.
Cutting back makes you mature.

Mature enough to see that you need to adjust things before SHIFTING into abundance.

Cutting back helps you be more present with your priorities.
Cutting back helps you be more present in your plans.
Cutting back helps you put your energy into things that are MORE meaningful to your future…

Cutting back helps you SHIFT into abundance.

Let me explain it to you another way—sometimes I have to cut my plants to encourage them to produce more flowers or fruit.

Sometimes I even cut things that are blooming and blossoming to redirect the energy that the plant is using. I do this knowing that what I’m cutting back makes room for the plant to produce more abundantly.

Unlearn to shift into abundance.

Want access to free-flowing, unhinged abundance? Unlearn something.

Give yourself permission to remove old ideas or even new ideas that are NOT relevant.

Grieve whatever it is —maybe it was something super useful. Celebrate whatever you’re leaving behind —maybe it was something painful that riddled your life with toxicity. 

Audibly tell yourself it’s okay to unlearn things that keep you from abundance —even if it’s something you believed in as recently as yesterday. 

One more thing. A key to unlearning is learning.

So immerse yourself in something new. People. Places. Podcasts.

Immerse yourself in new things — discover firsthand how unlearning and thinking differently can SHIFT you into abundance. 

Since we’re on the topic of unlearning, up next, we’ll unpack some exhausting habits to unlearn. 

A list of things to unlearn and learn to shift to abundance.

If you want to SHIFT into abundance, you must be less reactive in response to what you’re facing and more proactive in planning for what you want.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn being desperate and learn how to be diligent.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn poor, last-minute planning as an everyday thing.

✔ You’ve got to learn how to step away from things that derail you and send your life spinning into a tizzy.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn not communicating and learn to communicate better through practice.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn setting unrealistic boundaries and expectations.
✔ You’ve got to learn how to have healthy boundaries through practice.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn everything in you that says you cannot rest.
✔ You’ve got to unlearn agreeing with tight turnaround times.
✔ You’ve got to unlearn complying with every demand for your attention.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn pulling the trigger on ideas as soon as they come — at times, you’ve got to unlearn taking too long to act on an idea.

✔ You’ve got to learn to plan, pace yourself and be more strategic.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn saying yes to opportunities you don’t have space for.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn saying NO to opportunities simply because they scare you.

✔ You’ve got to unlearn habits that make you feel as if you’ve always gotta play catch up. And then you’ve got to learn that it’s okay to quit and start over at times. Just make sure when you start over, you pace yourself. You plan things out. You practice diligence, not desperation.

Make sure you’re proactive (thinking about the future) — and NOT just reactive (only thinking about what’s happening now). This will jumpstart your progress and undoubtedly put you on a clear path to abundance.

Believing in yourself unleashes abundance.

Believe in yourself enough to be yourself. Yes. Be brave enough to be yourself.

The temptation to copy and conform to what everyone else is doing finds us all. But we don’t have to respond to everything that looks for us. We don’t have to answer to everything that calls our names. We don’t have to give into copying others or conforming to what the next person is doing.

Looking to others for inspiration is normal. But basing everything you do and ALL that you are off someone else’s journey is not. Doing that only causes you to water yourself down with comparison.

And comparison will stop you from creating what’s missing in the world, and bravely doing what is different is HOW you’ll tap into your abundance.

Comparison is an abundance stopper and dream killer.

Comparison says fit in. Comparison says conform. Comparison does NOT tell you to stand out. Comparision does not say be yourself. Actually, comparing yourself stops you from being yourself.

@lolacabaya Don't let comparison stop you from creating what is missing in your niche! Creating what is missing helps you stand out — and get noticed! #calledtocreate #smallcreators #thesmokingprophet #dailyword #selflovesundaze#smallcreatorsmatters #propheticaffirmations#comparisonvideos#confidencetips#confidencevideo#prophetictiktok #smallcreatorontiktok#youarespecial ♬ original sound – Lola Cabaya

Comparison extinguishes the light that makes you — you.
Comparison obliterates your confidence and self-esteem.

Comparison discourages the mindset you need to shift to abundance, which is embracing your quirks as a gift and superpower, not a curse.

Abundance takes something different—and that’s why everyone doesn’t have it.

Everyone is NOT like you.

Brave enough to do.

Brave enough to be.

Brave enough to try and see what happens.

Brave enough to embrace their difference.

So don’t you dare let comparison pull you into a trap of conforming and fitting in.

No. Be brave. Be yourself. And create.

Create and watch it shift you into abundance.

@lolacabaya Insecurity talks real loud when comparison is around 🙄 So let’s silence that insecurity and master confidence with this strategy. 👏🏽#thesmokingprophet #calledtocreate #propheticaffirmations #propheticpodcast #smallcreatortiktok ♬ original sound – Lola Cabaya

man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!


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