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What are distractions?

🚨 Distractions trick us into things that are bad for us.

🚨 And they make us miss things that are good for us.

🚨 They make us forget, ignore, or not care about the positive things we can do.

🚨 Distractions make us forget God and His love. 

Why are distractions so high?

But knowing that doesn’t stop us from getting distracted. 

To be honest—right now distractions are super high.

There’s a lot of mess in the world . . .

That we have little to no control over—LOTS of problems.

And there’s a whole lotta fighting + hate. 😕

►► Who doesn’t want to check out and forget that stuff? 

►► Or go off about it? 

►► But we cannot check out or go off ⬇️⬇️⬇️

►► Because God is near ⸻ and He wants to talk to us. 

How can I resist distractions?

Don’t forget that distractions lure you into what’s bad—to make you miss out on what is good for you. 

When distractions are high, say this: 

God, what do you want to show me?

Remove the distractions and give me your peace so I can sense your presence.

Your future is so bright. 🌟

One more thing to think about . . .

Distractions get your eyes off the future.

They make you lose sight of your dreams and goals.

They make you settle for less than what God has for you.

🧐But maybe that’s why distractions are so tempting this season.

Maybe it’s because God has something great in store for you.

Something meaningful in your NEAR future.

Something fulfilling that powers your purpose and calling.

So before you give in to the distraction ⸻ ask yourself:

☑ What happens if I do?

☑ How could it affect my future?

☑ Is it worth it?

And please remember, God has a plan for you.

A plan to prosper you and not to harm you.

A plan to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Please do NOT let distractions ruin it for you.

Don’t let the distraction derail your future, your calling, and your purpose.

And hey, if you got off-track a bit — it’s okay.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last!

Just turn and get back on track. *smiles*

The Days of Awe

Are you reading this in September?

Well, the Days of Awe are in September.

The Days of Awe are the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

I’m not Jewish, but I feel something special in these days: a call to repent.

I’ll explain. The Days of Awe are a serious time of introspection.

💕 You ask yourself: What have I done this past year?

💕 You consider your life and God’s work over the last year.

💕 You take a deep dose of humility.

💕 And make the heartfelt realization that you’ve made some mistakes…

💕 Mistakes that you need to say sorry to God for…

💕 If we can be honest — some mistakes that you need to forgive others for and even yourself.

I’m sharing this to help you slow down. Rest. Reflect. Acknowledge.

Forgive. And repent if you need to repent. Because good things are coming!

So that’s all for now.

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope it helps you see why distractions are so tempting this season and how to resist them.

If this post blessed you, share it or leave an anonymous comment!

Until next time, have the most AHmazing life byeeeeee!

Meet the writer.

👋🏽 Hi, I’m LOLA ⸻ the creator of offbeat life advice brand, The Smoking Prophet, owner of a growing content agency, and cultivator of life (family first)!

Most days, you can find me at my desk, in my garden, or on the go. My super-social family keeps me on my toes!

Follow The Smoking Prophet to ignite your creativity, grow spiritually, and blaze your own trail online!

Email me to keep this talk going!



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