
To recommend something or someone is “to endorse as fit, worthy, or competent” (1). Recommendations are necessary for various things, including in credit checks, for job opportunities, ministry engagements, school admissions, community involvements, and more. Recommendations support your proven ability. Your proven ability is revealed in your work, so naturally, if you expect a recommendation you must produce or as Sophia said: “be found working”.

The endorser’s participation in your recommendation can range from phone communications, letters, or a simple share on social media. Interestingly enough regardless of the manner through which the endorsement is made it can cause unusual impact to your destiny.

How does this impact you right now?

Per Sophia Ruffin “recommendations are coming in this hour” and “there is an anointing coming from the end of this year to 2017, where recommendations are being sent out. That means your name is already being released into the atmosphere before you even arrive…


In the following video, she elaborates on the coming divinely inspired endorsements, while sharing two real-life instances in which endorsements in both secular and ministry roles changed her life.

In one situation, while attempting to enter the field of intensive probation, Sophia received a letter of recommendation from a very respectable judge. The letter illuminated her while overshadowing other applicants, based on this recommendation, she obtained a role for which she “was not qualified.” 

In another account, Sophia shares a recommendation that came while live streaming on Periscope. Dr. Alexis Maston simply shared Sophia’s broadcast with her followers. This share increased her audience and reach, eventually, I even received an invite to watch Sophia and became introduced to her. From here, she was noticed by John Eckhardt and although God had already endorsed her, Apostle Eckhardt gave her his recommendation which has unveiled tremendous opportunity for her.


Sophia didn’t look for recommendations. She didn’t snub her nose at it or shy away from them either. In both cases, she was working while waiting and trusting God to advance her. Your reputation consists of your proven abilities. Your reputation is demonstrated, becoming visible to others and though you may not be qualified for what you’re applying for, or even where you feel like you are going, your reputation and preparation in combination with the endorsements that are coming actually qualify you!


Key Takeaways:

Don’t be intimidated by your future.

“When you’re not prepared you won’t be able to take advantage of the opportunity that’s being handed down to you.”

Don’t shy away from opportunity.

“Put yourself in a position of recommendation.”

Don’t ever think your private devotion to God is in vain.

“Once you learn how to host heaven in the privacy of your own home, you will be able to stand on any platform and minister effectively.”

Favor is coming to the unqualified.

“God is going to cause people to release favor upon your life that is going to open doors for the unqualified.”

May your reputation become the pioneer of your life.

“May your reputation precede you.”

(Statements with quotation marks were made by Sophia Ruffin.)


Sophia’s Strategy for Effective Ministry:

Sophia’s strategy for effective ministry is to have your ministry life in order and this is in reference to how you minister privately to God. You must learn to host the presence of God and to serve an audience of one, specifically The One, in the privacy of your own home. This will ensure your effectiveness and secure longevity in your ministerial career. It also helps to combat insecurity and destroy intimidation. 

Be as Samuel the prophet and learn to minister before God. In your private time and intimacy with Him, you will as Samuel, gain access to His secret counsel. As Samuel, your private time will lead to your public launching and success. As Samuel, you can be so effective that your words don’t fall to the ground either.

Private devotion is the only thing that will sustain you and keep you from falling. Remember that God is in your audience and that He is your audience when no one else is. Knowing this, you can go anywhere and not fail! 

Please study 1 Samuel 2-3.put-yourself-in-a-position-of-recommendation-3


[1] “Recommend.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

Streamed Live + Published 11.22.16 | Watch Time: 26:20

Sophia Ruffin is a published author, a national speaker, and an ordained prophet. Her debut literary release “From Point Guard to Prophet tells only a portion of her story, but is infinitely powerful. The book acts as a manual for those experiencing identity issues and as a tool for those who aren’t by teaching them how to lovingly help their counterparts walk worthy of their callings.

Sophia is also the founder of Dope Chic but Holy Chic Ministry, which seeks to empower women. She serves at her local assembly, Heritage of Life Covenant Church under the leadership of Apostle Lancer and Traci Delashment. She acts as a core leader in the Seers, Prophets & Intercessors Network (SPI) which was founded by Apostle Lancer Delashment. In this role, she trains, equips, and activate others.


Facebook: Sophia Ruffin | Sophia Ruffin Ministry

Twitter: SophiaRuffin

Periscope: SophiaRuffin

Instagram: yagirl_soph


Featured Image Photo Credit:  Unsplash



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