
“2017 is Your Year to Realign, Restore, Readjust, Reposition Yourself with God!”

– Joe Joe Dawson

  1. Realignments – Evaluate your connections and make necessary shifts in your relationships. Invest more time in the connections that strengthen you and decrease your engagement with the ones that don’t!
  2. Readjustments – Time management is a key strategy for your success. As I’ve heard Dr. Matthew Stevenson III say:  “Time is the utmost powerful currency that you have in destiny and in focus…”  (Watch the video here). Make the necessary adjustments to win!
  3. Reprioritization– Consider what you’re doing to determine if it’s a good thing or a God thing. Good things will produce results, but in the words of Joe Joe Dawson: “You need to do the God things in 2017.” 
  4. Repositioning – Repositioning is a proactive measure, so your personal preparation for 2017 should actually start now if it already hasn’t. Finish this year strong to be in proper alignment for 2017.
  5. Restoration – In utilizing all of these strategies you have no choice but to receive full restoration! 2016 was a launch pad year! In 2017 expect to hit your target!

Streamed Live Nov 29, 2016 | Watch Time: 13:16 Minutes

Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival Center in Texarkana, TX and also the co-founder, alongside his wife Autumn Dawson, of ROAR Apostolic Network. ROAR, an acronym for revival, outpouring, awakening, and reformation, is an equipping network.  It seeks to prepare people and organizations to contend and position regions for revival.

In Luke 24:32, two followers of Jesus experienced a burning in their hearts at the His words and explanation of the scriptures, this is the same burning Apostle Dawson has experienced and desires to share with you. Though I haven’t yet read his book “Recipe for Revival,” consider purchasing it and get ready to be ignited to contend for your region!


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