
You’ve heard draw near to God and He’ll draw near to you (James 4:8), while this is true He is presently saying I’ve come closer, now I’m waiting for you

On Thursday, October 13th, 2016, while considering a few things the Lord spoke to me about myself, but He also addressed a matter of great importance and a great priority to the body of Christ.

Do not allow the resistance you feel to stop you. The “stagnation, the standstill, the halt”, you think you’re experiencing is not stagnation. I’m purging you and I’m clearing the path before you.

Draw closer to me. Seek me in new ways.

Seek me. Seek my face, not my hand.

I know your needs. I know them before you speak them. There is a time to speak those things. There is a time for everything, but this is the time to seek my heart and not my hand.

There’s so much I want to show you. There’s so much I have in store for you, but you can’t go, you can’t see, you can’t have until you’re ready.

The seek will make you ready.

In My Presence, you are made ready. You are perfected. You are matured.

I’ve run you down, now run Me down.

I’ve found you, now I want to be found by you…


I encourage you to respond to Him with this prayer…



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