Easy-to-copy social growth strategy

If you’re serious about growing your social page ⸻ here are five things you should write down every month…

📅 Today’s date — So you can clearly define how long things take and set realistic goals in the future.

🔎 Social page name — So you can focus on one social page and platform at a time.

👥 Page follower count — So you can measure audience growth and retention.

📈 Page reach — So you can see growth and opportunities to engage with followers and non-followers.

🏆 Most popular posts — So you can post more of what people like and reshare your most popular content.

Why I recommend this strategy

Sometimes it’s hard to see how good you’re doing when you’re in the middle of doing it. Especially when you’re on social media because there’s always another goal to reach or someone else’s success smack-dab in your face.

That’s why I recommend writing these five things down every month.

Not only does writing these five things down monthly let you see what works, but it also lets you see your progress. YAY! This ‘progress check’ will come in handy on the days when your inner critic is being a real doubter!

So use the info ☝🏽 to see how well you’re doing, to get better, and to celebrate your growth!

Your turn to try

After you finish celebrating…

💡Think of some ways to make more posts like the ones that got the most reactions — this includes views, saves, shares, likes, and comments!

💡You can even reshare some of your most popular posts — and be sure to let your audience know the content is popular.

So that’s it for today.

Got anything you want to add?

Tell me in the comments!


man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and is obsessed with organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!




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