Invest in yourself and watch everything change👏🏽

Name a time when you did something that changed your life in a positively dramatic way.

It could be a time when you did something really meaningful or really minimal.

Something that was ordinary for you or something that made you feel really brave.

Something totally normal or totally disruptive.

I can name a time.
A few times even.

No matter the time, there is always a common theme to bring the collective experiences together.

And that ONE theme is this:

I believe in myself enough to invest in myself.

God likes to see you happy

Many people have a hard time investing in themselves because they think it’s selfish to make happiness or meaning a priority. But it’s not. Investing in yourself is an act of self-love that honors you and God.

God made you with a purpose. Do you know God likes to see you happy? And it makes God happy to see you discover your purpose and embrace the fullness of your calling.

You understand that, but maybe you think you don’t have time to invest in yourself.

❓Life makes it hard to do. 

❓Responsibility makes it hard. 

❓Your family makes it hard. 

❓Work makes it hard. 

❓School makes it hard.

All the things you have to do makes it hard. 

I get that. I also get this: 

Investing in yourself exposes you to opportunities that will bless those other areas of your life. In other words, the time you spend investing in yourself can make your whole life better. 

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You will lose what you don’t invest 🚧

Sometimes you lose by missing opportunities. Other times, you lose by giving your talent away for too little. Remember, someone else is always willing and waiting to take and use what you’re good at. Even if you don’t see yourself as a worthy investment.

Let me explain. Here’s a very personal story of mine.

I love helping people. Anyone that knows me knows that. Anyone who senses my heart can feel that I genuinely take joy in serving others. In times past, my passion for serving others hurt me. I got so enthusiastic about helping other people’s visions manifest that I neglected my own.


Don’t lose what you won’t invest in your vision to someone else’s vision

At times, I even threw my pearls to pigs. Meaning I extended myself, my energy, and my resources to people who weren’t ready, who wanted to ‘use me,’ and some who simply couldn’t honor me properly. 

Until God called me out on it. The conversation left me asking myself, how can I help someone else’s vision when I’m negligent with my own?

Why should anyone believe me when the fruit of my advice hasn’t manifested abundantly for my brand?

Why should anyone honor me when I don’t seem to honor myself enough to charge the prices I should?

Yep. It was a seriously rude awakening. An ouch that seemed to last for months. 

But the ouch helped me. I owned my mess up and moved forward. 

She invested in herself and everything changed 👏🏽

I stopped saying yes to everyone. 

I stopped saying yes to every opportunity.

I said no to what didn’t align with my vision and priorities.

Then, I hit the throttle on investing in myself, and it’s paid off. 

She decided missing out on things, not always being available, and saying no is more important than always trying to be everything to everybody. She is me. 

Although I’m still growing, still learning, still making mistakes, and still moving forward — things have drastically shifted. Here’s why.

I believed. I invested. I trusted God, and everything changed. 

Which inspired me to make this post a few years ago on Facebook…

She invested in herself, and everything changed. (see original post here)

It takes courage to invest in yourself because investing in yourself says you believe before having hardcore evidence to believe. 

Some people only get invested when they see results, but I believe you have more than enough courage to believe in yourself without having total proof, without having all the answers, and with everything you don’t know. 

Exercise to build courage

I believe you have the courage to invest in yourself. 

Not feeling ready yet? Try this. 

📌 If you feel insecure, write down highlights from your personal life? School life? Work-life? Look at what you achieved — You did that

📌 If you feel stressed, find something that makes you laugh. How do you feel after laughing? 

📌 If you don’t know what to do, ask yourself what happens after you make the first step. Then write it down. You just started a plan. Plans make hard things more achievable. 

📌 If you feel you can’t make it, remember you are one of the most complex creations in the universe. Complex because you feel everything you go through.

#PaidLink — Order The Set Boundaries Workbook

What you feel and sense is powerful

It’s funny how ‘feeling’ can make us powerful and weak at the same time.

But back to this. You are one of the most complex creations in the universe.

Complex because what worked for you days ago may not work today.

Complex because sometimes you got it together, and sometimes you don’t.

But also so beautifully intricate and complex because you were made in the image of the CREATOR of the universe. You are complex because God is complex. You are so powerful because God is powerful. That means you can do so much, including believing enough in yourself to invest in yourself and watch everything change. 

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man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!


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