When Things Don’t Go As Planned
The ultimate resistance to change is probably getting ‘what you thought it would be like,’ out of your head. And when I say, ‘what you thought it would be like,’ I mean your expectations.
The ultimate resistance to change is probably getting ‘what you thought it would be like,’ out of your head. And when I say, ‘what you thought it would be like,’ I mean your expectations.
Are you trying to finish anything? Ask God this: what can I leave undone?
It’s hard to believe what God says about you if you never hear what God says about you. So, if you need some encouragement, listen to this message because here, Dante, Lola, and one of their children tell you just how special you are!
December is not only the final month of the year, but it officially marks the last chapter of this decade. It represents a close, an ending, a definitive conclusion, and a finish.
In this message, It’s Not AN HIV/AIDS Cure But It’s Close, Dante and Lola talk about game-changing advances that are helping people that are HIV positive date, marry, have sex, and children that are HIV negative. They also talk about how drugs are helping to prevent new infections.