Small Starts = Big Finishes
DON’T DESPISE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS It’s easier to accomplish a goal when you start small… Many chase immediate gratification, accolades, and high positions in life, but there is so much beauty in small beginnings and the journey to greater. Wherever you are in the process, I pray this post inspires you to Read more…
Closing Doors to the Demonic – Ryan Lestrange
Have you opened the doors to the demonic in your life? Are you wondering how you could have given these spiritual influences access? Better yet do you want to know how to disinvite and disengage ill invited guest? If so, check out this video by Apostle Ryan Lestrange -apostolic leader, Read more…
Before You Trick or Treat…
The following was written by Apostle Kimberly Daniels who has several years experience as God’s chosen vessel to free people of spiritual oppressions and ministering to those directly involved in the occult. This article was originally posted 10/28/2009, however the expressed views are as timeless now as they were then…if Read more…