You’re An Undeniable Asset

No one wants to get ignored, be overlooked, or feel forgotten. Being overlooked showed me a few things. And that’s why I got ignored and how to apply pressure. Let me tell you what I learned about it so you can position yourself as an undeniable asset.

📌 The first reason you may get overlooked is this: people don’t know you.

📌 The second reason you get overlooked is: people don’t see your value.

📌 The third reason you get overlooked is the worst: people are intimidated by you.

No matter the reason, here are a few things that can help you stand out and be unforgettable! 

1. Identify your strengths and your USP. 

USP stands for Unique Selling Point and represents your value proposition, aka the unique way you bring value to others.

Everything has a USP — products and people. Your USP should be something that distinguishes you from others and elevates you above them.

For products and services — Name their benefits, then narrow it down to your best selling points.

For your career and personal development — Use a discovery tool like Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment to discover your top strengths.

Knowing your value is the first step to positioning yourself as an undeniable asset in any industry. Because knowing your value reveals who needs you and how to reach them, and that’s what we’ll talk about next.

2. Figure out who needs you. 

The people who need you are your target audience. Naming your target audience starts with answering this one question: who can I help?

Knowing your strengths should help you quickly see who you can help. Here’s a word of caution. Don’t try to target an audience without considering your strengths, competencies, and USP.

You should always align your strengths, competencies, and USP towards serving your audience.

If you’re navigating your career, know this. Your strengths and competencies are not job-exclusive or even industry-exclusive. Your strengths and competencies are need-exclusive. That’s another reason why learning them is so important. If you know your value and why it’s valuable, you can always find people that need you. With this in mind, who can you help?

Find Your Target Audience – WATCH

3. Serve a niche market.

There are seven billion + people in the world. What do you look like trying to talk to all of them at once? Probably exhausted.

So speak to a niche market instead. That’ll make it easier for you to be heard and stand out. Try starting with this.

Connect with your niche market’s core desires and overserve them. Give them something to talk about because people love to talk about good things.

You’re one of those good things. So show them that. Overserve them. Before you know it, your community will have created itself. Tap here for more on why serving a niche market matters.

4. Intentionally network.

Get to know people that aren’t like you. Per Meg Jay, Ph.D., ‘Information and opportunity spread farther and faster through weak ties than through close friends because weak ties have fewer overlapping contacts.’

This principle is known as ‘The Strength of Weak Ties’ by social scientist Mark Granovetter.

Here’s what weak ties are. They are social connections that aren’t deep or close. And while we all need those deep, intimate social connections, we need some weaker ones too. Because the weaker connections grant us access to more diverse networks, information, and social situations, proving that networking with people who aren’t like you can go better than networking with people who are.

So please take what I’ve told you and intentionally network with people that aren’t like you. It can open up your world to new experiences and access. 

Add this One-sheet to Your Media Kit

5. Showcase your skills. When you showcase your skills, it shines a spotlight on you. It helps the right people see what you can do and makes it hard to be ignored. So put yourself out there. This is how you’ll reach your people.

You know your strengths. You know the type of people that need you. Craft a pitch that targets them and shines a spotlight on your skills. Showcase your skills without guilt or shame. Your skills are valuable, and people need what you carry.

Learn to pitch fast with these three tips. The Smoking Prophet

Write down one thing for me.

  • Why does the world need you?
  • How will the world be positively impacted because of you?

6. Be easy to get along with. 

Cooperative. Kind. Friendly. Understanding. Compliant. These are words that should describe you in some capacity. They demonstrate that you’re easy to get along with or agreeable.

Agreeableness is one of the Big Five personality traits. And ranking high in this agreeableness can be super helpful in building the relationships you need to apply pressure in any industry.

It can even help you make friends with people who are intimidated by you.

For more on intimidation and creating allies at work, check this out — Why You Get Overlooked

man and woman looking lovingly at each other (dante and lola)


Dante is a money magnet and the king of optimization. He loves creating plans that cut losses, increase profits, and build cash.

Lola is a genius at creating digital content and OCD about organization. Her gift is making things simple and organizing creative projects.

Got questions? Contact us!


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