Derrick Harvin/Flickr

Derrick Harvin/Flickr

Last Sunday(8/16), while driving God brought a dream I had last week back to mind. I distinctly remember flashing back, for lack of better words, and viewing myself driving. I was in the passing lane or more notably known as …dum dum dummmmm…THE FASTLANE 💨💨💨.

Well wasn’t I shocked to experience the rate of acceleration in my lane. WE WERE ALL GOING SO SLOW. 🐌🐌🐌 Oddly the drivers to my right, in what Americans know as the “slow lane,” were driving fast. 😖😖😖 Leaving all on the left side of the road in the dust.

This should not be. 

In an instant, my dream recollection was over and I returned to my regularly scheduled driving experience. 😬😬😬When I reached my destination I jotted a few notes and here we are.

#⃣1⃣ Expedited Movement & Unconventional Provision

The lane God was functioning in was moving at an accelerated rate. While speaking to someone recently, I sensed what I refer to as a “season of suddenlies” or time of acceleration. Yes, I made up a word, but it simply refers to a time of God manifesting His Word and Himself quickly.

I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth from My mouth, and I announced them. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.

Isaiah 48:3 Modern English Version (MEV)

The lane God was moving in was opposite of what we’d naturally expect. 🔑🔑🔑 We all must move into a place where we are totally reliant upon God, not past moves, past experiences or past resources.

Samson was born to fight the Philistines, Israel’s enemy, & that he did! On a particular occasion he defeated the people of Philistia with the jawbone of donkey!

Use your words wisely, they are containers of power and a God given weapon (Proverbs 18:21)

When the fight was over Samson didn’t keep the bone, instead he threw it away (Judges 15:17). Samson then thirst for water and though he possessed this immense strength/capability he didn’t return to bone to try and beat water from the ground. He called out to God for help, he prayed.

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Psalm 34:17 Modern English Version (MEV)

God heard & sent a refreshing stream from the ground. Our traditional resources will not support what is to take place and what God is doing in the earth, OUR FAITH HAS TO BECOME ALIVE AND ACTIVE.  As Samson did, PRAY and WATCH for unconventional provision to take place

#⃣2⃣ Let’s Become One With God

In my dream the LEFT LANE (traditional fast/passing lane) & the RIGHT LANE (traditional slow lane) had been reversed. The Parable of the Sheep & the Goats is an example of the purging of the body of Christ from those that are not. In this story, Christ separates those that followed His way from those that had not. He sends the goats, or the bad fruit, to the LEFT and the sheep, the good fruit, to the RIGHT. Don’t get caught on the wrong side, because you aren’t in tune with the Spirit.


While teaching one night, I said I wanted to be and see the church come into total sync with God’s Spirit, as the heavenly creatures were in Ezekiel 1. There were 4⃣ beings, each had 4⃣ faces and 4⃣ wings. If you can imagine this you will recognize they had no blindspots and were whole from every angle.

As God moved, they moved without missing a beat or even turning. Full synchronization existed between them and God. As I spoke of these things, a prophet amid the fellowship looked as if she wanted to release something. I opened the floor and she just shook her head side to side, responding with “you don’t even know what your saying.” 😬

#⃣3⃣ Let’s Become One With Each Other

Is this too great a thing to ask?

No! It’s what the Father will accomplish in the earth! He desires complete harmony with Himself & guess what else? Harmony with others too…

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, with which no man shall see the Lord. 

Hebrews 12:14 KJV

This is what I refer to as a “Turn Up Scripture 👏👏👏,” 😩😆 like 2 Chronicles 7:14…it rouses our attention, can awaken our passions, but it  can be used to the point where we become numb to the meaning…


Anytime you see a conjunction, such as “but” or “and” recognize this acts as a connector. It brings two or more things together. We don’t accept one portion and exclude the other.

That’s like peanut butter and no jelly. Kool-aid and no sugar. 👀👀👀 Sandwich meat and no bread…😁😁😁. Okay so I’m being extra, but you get it! “And” connects in our scripture:

Peace with all ➕ living holy (like God) = Seeing God one day

No peaceable relations ➕ unholy living (like Satan) = No chance of seeing God

Back to the Ezekiel 1, the 4⃣ creatures moved above 4⃣ wheels…the wheels possessed their spirits. Above the wheels and the creatures, rested the Glory of God. As His Spirit moved, so did the creatures and the wheels! THEY ALL MOVED AS ONE!

This is a portrait of how God desires the church to function now, Christ has empowered to be possible and the Holy Spirit has sealed & affirms our ability for the work. The key here is U•N•I•T•Y.

Oh, how wonderful, how pleasing it is when God’s people all come together as one!

Psalm 133:2 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

In 1998, Kelly Varner wrote Corporate Anointing, Christ: Manifest in the Fullness of His Body. My thoughts weren’t on God in ’98, rather I discovered this book through a previous leader I was under. It specifies 3⃣ Dimensions of God’s Anointing and emphasizes its purpose for the body of Christ as a whole:

  1. CUWK– to smear over, anoint or pour (with oil).
  2. MASHACH-to rub with oil, anoint, also to paint or smear on.
  3. CHRIO– to rub in. This relates to Christ, “The Anointed.” While on earth, Christ encompassed the fullness of God’s Spirit without restriction.

SUK is surface level and MASHACH goes a bit deeper, but the third level of the Anointing is the most intense. God desires for us pass the 1⃣st & 2⃣nd levels, to come into a place of deeper intimacy, & receive the CHRIO, His Spirit without measure.

(Varner, 1998, pgs 13-26)


Sharon Pazner/Flickr

Sharon Pazner/Flickr

What’s Next???

There is a major time of shifting ahead. Although the Great Harvest hasn’t occured, events will soon foreshadow it.

There is a separation taking placeThe Parable of the Wheat & the Tare is a picture of the Great Harvest at the worlds end. The wheat and tare, aka weeds, are being put to the threshing floor to be divided.  The good part is being plucked and carefully kept, while the bad is tossed away without a second thought.  The true followers of Jesus Christ will come forth illuminating the darkness, as the others disappear into the background. 😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏

In this parable, angels were responsible for removing the weeds, from the wheat, but in this case there is no need for the angels, for the tare will separate itself.

There is more apostasy to take place, I sense what we’ve witnessed is minimal in relation for what is to come. More will lose faith and fall away.


Many will openly oppose sound doctrine.  But this must come and it doesn’t mean stop praying.  We must be vigilant and aggressive in prayerRepentance is still available.

It’s not by power or might, but by the Spirit of God we will make it!



The Eviction Notice