Trending topics predict the future

Want to see into the future? Take a look at music, movies, social media, the news, and other media expressions. When you do this, you’ll discover that what’s trending can tell the future.

For example, clothing trends, box office breaking movies like Wonder Woman, and global protests show a women’s rights/empowerment movement is brewing [1].

So is the media psychic or prophetic? Not exactly – it’s the media’s job to give people what they want. [2]

Which brings me to my point – crystals + using them to attract your crush.

About mid-2017, I noticed a spike in trending topics on crystals. Most of it I ignored, but an article titled, Power Crystal No. 1 Attract Your Crush’s Attention (and Affection), arrested my thoughts. I was puzzled and couldn’t let the feeling go.

I thought, why use a tool to win someone’s love? Why not just let the person realize how great you are? Besides, if they can’t see that, why not be okay knowing they could never value you anyways.


Magic crystals?

Among, their boasts, crystal users claim they can:

  • Improve your love life
  • Remove stinking thinking
  • Repel negativity

Along with a host of other things, overall, crystals are said to attract positive energy and shed/deter negative vibes. Users commonly place them on specific energy points in the body [chakras] or throughout different physical structures, like homes, to build energy grids.

Using crystals isn’t some new thing. Crystal therapy gained popularity in the New Age Movement, which campaigned for personal transformation and healing through various supernatural practices. Traces of Eastern traditions, as well as ancient and modern culture, all influenced this movement. Its inception into America in the 1970s, spread through occult and metaphysical religious practices. It soon peaked, and by the 1990s it ended. Many attribute the New Age move as “the West’s most significant religious phenomena of the 20th century” [3].

Although the New Age movement ended and there’s no scientific evidence to substantiate the “power” of crystals, crystal therapy has not and is still a relatively popular pseudoscience.

Can using crystals win your crush’s affection?

The spiritual realm is an invisible sphere full of good and evil – light and darkness – divine and demonic power. Anyone can access it. Crystal users are no different. Users pull on the “energy” from the spiritual realm, so surprise, using crystals can produce results.

Before you try it know that anything gained through dark channels is never what it seems. Why? When you access spiritual power outside of the Light or try to manipulate others, you open your life up to dark beings.

These dark beings will give you what you want so they, in turn, can have free access to you. At first and for some time, it may seem like you’re winning, but it’s a setup. Using dark power comes at a price. Dark entities always intend to take more from you than what they give. And in this case, they are slowly draining the life from your very soul.

How do you distinguish between the Light and darkness?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell what is light and what is dark, especially when your heart wants what it wants. Your own emotions can deceive you. You may be thinking I have a crush, so why not use a little “energy” to get their attention? I say the better question to ask is why trick someone to like you?

The number one way to tell light from darkness is with the supreme Light. Jesus is the Light of the world, and His light gives life and reveals the truth.

When you turn light on in a room, it immediately exposes and expels darkness. And when you say, Jesus – Light of the world, turn on in me, He immediately starts working to expose and expel the darkness in your life [4].

So, instead of using a crystal or any medium for that matter, to gain someone’s affection keep it simple. Let your love interest see who you are and choose to appreciate the greatness they see inside of you.

  1. This article was originally written, though unpublished, in September 2017. The Me Too Movement, started October 2017, and followed up by the Time’s Up Movement are examples of a Women’s Right movement.
  2. Wolf, Gary. “Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing.”, 1 Feb. 1996,
  3. Melton, John Gordon. “New Age Movement.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 7 Apr. 2016,
  4. John 8:12
  5. New Age Movement.” Dictionary of American History. 12 Sep. 2017 <>.


unsplash-logoDenise Johnson


Dee · at

Excellent article. I can relate with the crystals and what I thought I wanted years ago. My choice was God and I’m glad he had patience with me.

the smoking prophet · at

I’m so proud of you. Thanks for sharing this!

Jacqueline Scott · at

Always blessed ..keep on blessings and love

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