
In lieu of America’s political climate and other recent events, naturally, Christians and non-Christians alike are responding with their emotions. People are angry, confused, in shock, afraid, anxious, etc.

Non-Christians are saying or believe “America is going to hell.” Even worst and more inexcusable is that Christians, those that are the Salt and Light of the earth called to preserve the kingdom of God in this world and illuminate the way of truth, are following suit. 

An appropriate response to this as Sophia Ruffin refuted in her Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 Facebook Live Election/America broadcast, is if America makes her bed in hell, the Lord is still there so there is YET hope in our chastisement! (Please listen to the complete message or from the 11:30 – 13:10 min mark for the above references.)


Yet some are still preaching death, hell, and judgment, exchanging “The Good News” for “their own news.” Even last week, I encountered a misguided Christian, specifically an evangelist, who was eager to explain to me why revival wasn’t coming to America and that only judgment was laid in store for these United States.

“I have not sent these prophets, yet they run around claiming to speak for me. I have given them no message, yet they go on prophesying.

Jeremiah 23:21 NLT


In a time where people desperately need pure vessels that will hear and speak the sure word of the Lord, man continues to speak from his own vanity.

In a time, where men will run to the church for guidance, as Nicodemus sought wisdom from Christ at night, we need to be accurate and we need to be sent (1). 

We need the answers. 

With all of this being illustrated it should be clear there’s static with our heavenly connection and the body of Christ needs work, but the resolution doesn’t begin outwardly. Rather the work we each need is more intimate and personal. We each need to examine ourselves. 

What resolution is there in merely pointing your fingers at another in judgment? Anyone can do that…be different.

This brings me to this, corporately the body of Christ has been a bit unmerciful. God has freely given us so many things, yet we hold the riches of His mercy hostage through our lack of compassion, sincere outreach, and acceptance of people. As freely as we’ve been given we must give…this isn’t an option, it’s a command (2).

Side Note: Accepting people doesn’t mean you accept their behavior. Keep in mind that God accepted you when He called you as His own in all your error and He still accepts you in your fallacy. It’s this type of kindness, His kindness, that leads us to repentance…

“…Maybe you don’t understand that God is kind to you so that you will decide to change your lives.”

Romans 2:4 ERV

If we want to be the change agents we are called to be, we must make every conscious effort to stop aligning ourselves with what we see, with how we feel, and frankly the patterns of the world we live in (3). We must allow God to personally realign and adjust us for His good pleasure.

When our frequencies are reprogrammed, when our paradigms are shifted, when our thought patterns are elevated to match God’s, we will no longer speak from an earthly perspective or based on what we see. We will speak by faith, from what the Father sees and what the Father speaks.

Let’s be as Jesus, who embodied God’s Spirit without measure (4)! Let’s stay full of the presence of God so that we can do and speak as the Father does (5).

This doesn’t mean we will never hear about judgment or impending trouble. God does judge. Actually, He is the only one that can do it justly, which is why we should leave this job up to Him. If one speaks judgment it should because God has said it and has authorized you to release it. Ultimately, the purpose of His judgment is to redeem.

Please read The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, as this is an accurate depiction of the present state of much of the church. Do not forsake what God has given you by demonstrating a lack of compassion towards humanity. 

If you haven’t been praying, now is a good time to start.


[1] John 3:1-21

[2] Matthew 10:8

[3] Romans 12:2

[4] John 3:34

[5] John 5:19; John 12:49


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