On Wednesday, December 7th, 2016, I wrote the following:

For many of you, your books are already written you just need to ask the Lord to reveal where they are.

For those, that believe part of your purpose includes writing a book…

Have you looked through your notes and journals to see what material you’ve already written? What about your lectures notes or any sermons? Did you consider that part of your book could even be found on social media? In your Facebook and Instagram posts?

Seek and You Will Find...

Don’t become overwhelmed with what you think is before you. Instead, recognize the value in what you already have and who you have (The Holy Spirit). When you look, you’re going to be surprised at what treasures you find!

The task is only daunting when you’re doing it by yourself. Remember, if God gave you the assignment, He’s going to accomplish it. Hold Him accountable to that, He loves this! He wants to work with you and through you!

So, partner with Him and solicit the assistance of others. It’s not about you working alone to show how great you are or to receive full credit, or any credit for that matter. It is about making His Name great(er).

How I Wrote the Book I Said I’d Never Write

The day before thanksgiving the Lord told me I was going to write a book. Personal book writing doesn’t quite hold my interest yet, so I said well if I’m going to do it I want to do it in one day…

The Lord responded, directing me to compile a book from what I already had. So I went on a treasure hunt and put together a short collection of life hacks. I intentionally kept this work succinct, considering people’s attention spans are growing increasingly shorter and we seem to mostly read in “bites,” I felt this to be very necessary.

Since then, I haven’t stopped writing! My vats are soooooo full.

Here’s How You Can Apply This
  1. Recommit yourself to working with God as opposed to just working for God. Ask the Lord to reveal your books to you and in faith find them.
  2. Journal every day, even if it’s not a lot. This puts you in the practice of writing and releasing your thoughts in an intelligible way. You’d be surprised how many journals are actually books written in secret.
  3. Write your thoughts down immediately. Even though you think you’ll remember it long enough to write it later, the truth is you probably won’t. Be a faithful steward over the messages God has given you and just take moment to make note of them.
    • Here’s a sample of how I capture what I receive quickly. I write:
      • My main thoughts.
      • Any supporting facts/details associated with the thought.
      • What I was thinking about before the thought came.
      • The date and time.
When you write down something – ANYTHING – you can always fill in the details later, but you can never fill in something that you don’t have.

2016 may almost be over, but The Year of the Bard isn’t. 2017 is up next! Let’s go…

This message was adapted from 12.16.16 Facebook post, see the original message here.



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