A few mornings ago, precisely May 5th, I had an interesting waking dream. In Laura Harris Smith’s book Seeing the Voice of God, she described an array of dream types including “waking” dreams. These occur right before you awake after a night’s rest. They leave you with a sense of urgency and immediate assignment to interpret its meaning. The dream acts as a call to action or an encouragement of God’s peace.

Dreams Key by Stuart Miles via freedigitalphotos.net


In my dream I was at a wedding in my neighborhood, but I didn’t know whose it was. Neither the bridegroom nor the bride was announced and they weren’t present yet. I was leaving the wedding, because I didn’t really feel like an invited guest…
  • I wasn’t aware of whose wedding I was at.
  • I wasn’t prepared.
  • I felt underdressed.

As I was walked out I began to straighten up a banquet table to my right and adjusting other things that were out of place. Further down on the left I saw a host of wedding guests seated, waiting for the event to began. I saw my deceased grandfather and living grandmother sitting together. My grandfather was glowing with joy and looked so happy. I smiled, walked away, and immediately woke up.

As I thought about the events of my dream The Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) came to mind, servant, and being careful to not miss the moment.


In this New Testament story Jesus shares a parable where a king invited guests to his son’s wedding dinner, oddly those invited refused to come. The relentless king sent other officials to invite them yet again. To his astonishment they also refused the offer, rather choosing to attend to their own affairs vs this big extravaganza. Some even went as far as insulting and killing the king’s announcers.

When the king heard this news, he was😡! The furious king sent his army to destroy the murderers. Then in a final effort to fill the venue, he sent out his officials again to invite anyone they saw.

Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. 

Matthew 22:8-10 NKJV 

Later the king came to see the guests and noticed a man inappropriately dressed. During this time, it was custom for all guest to be given wedding clothes to wear. He stood out because he didn’t have them on, this alarmed the king that he wasn’t invited. Although the king entreated him with compassion by calling him friend the man was ulitimately was thrown into darkness.

So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 

Matthew 22:12-13


Anything God shows me is for me first, so I definitely was like ouch Lord but thankful at the same time for the warnings He gives to either put or keep us on the right track.

It’s no secret that the end of this world is upon us. In the past six months, I’ve dreamed about terrorist in America, a complete instantaneous blackout (sun, moon & stars) and then this dream, which I am grateful didn’t leave me terrified like the others.

God’s kingdom is like the wedding banquet. This parable illustrates God’s invitation to His chosen people – the Jewish people and their refusal to enter through The Messiah. Their refusal opened a door for all people – Gentiles or simply non Jews – to be accepted and blessed as promised to Abraham (Genesis 22:16-19, Romans 9:31-33, Romans 11:11-12).

Bride in Wheat by Rosen Georgiev via freedigitalphotos.net

That’s the meaning of the text, but let’s get back to the dream. God is preparing the bride (The Church, a body of believers and followers of Christ) to meet the Bridgegroom (Jesus). As “The King” sent multiple request to entreat people to come, God is doing the same for us…He’s just giving us more time. This is something all of us, including myself need.

As mentioned earlier, in keeping with tradition the guests were to wear the wedding clothes given to them. I felt out of place in the dream and wasn’t properly dressed. The clothes represent the righteousness of Christ (Isaiah 61:10, Romans 13:14). Without that reconciliation you will not enter peace after this life or true fullness of life here on earth (Steps to Peace with God).

In my dream I was serving, so this isn’t only a call to accept His invitation, but to those that are saved – have accepted Christ and are serving God with their lives – to respond. God wants us to wholeheartedly serve others in whatever capacity and gifting He has given you.

Additionally the dream acts as a warning. Don’t miss what God is doing for anything. I was at the wedding in my dream and obviously should be as one of God’s children, however it was clear I wasn’t invited. There are many things that can cause us to miss what God is doing. Don’t be found doing anything contrary to what God is saying. I heard a message by Chuck D. Pierce recently where he said this isn’t the season to mess up because God is so near. So you should look for the Lord before it is too late. You should call to him now, while he is near. (Isaiah 55:6 Easy-to-Read Version)


IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE in any of this, what’s the harm in just trying it and asking God to reveal Himself. If there is no validity in one God, Christ being the only way or life after death…you stand to lose nothing. But if there is, you stand to lose everything.

IF YOU DO BELIEVE this is an admonition to look for God while He is near, don’t slip up and do not miss this moment that God is visiting us (Luke 19:41-44). Additionally it’s a call to serve God completely and to love others into His family. It’s time to demonstrate with action, but it’s also time to be as the King’s ambassadors and verbally invite others in. God draws us with loving kindness and desires for us to do the same (Jeremiah 31:3). 


While speaking to a minister friend recently he shared how he was able to lead someone to Christ at a park. This is awesome, but I had to stop to think when is the last time I’ve lead someone to Christ? I was like okay Lord I hear you and I pray you hear Him as The Day approaches.


The Lord is not being slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost. He wants everyone to change their ways and stop sinning. But the day when the Lord comes again will surprise everyone like the coming of a thief. The sky will disappear with a loud noise. Everything in the sky will be destroyed with fire. And the earth and everything in it will be burned up. Everything will be destroyed in this way. So what kind of people should you be? Your lives should be holy and devoted to God. You should be looking forward to the day of God, wanting more than anything else for it to come soon. When it comes, the sky will be destroyed with fire, and everything in the sky will melt with heat. But God made a promise to us. And we are waiting for what he promised—a new sky and a new earth. That will be the place where goodness lives.

2 Peter 3:9-13 Easy-to-Read Version


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